What is coaching?  It is a question that I get asked a lot. 

Quite simply, coaching is working with someone to move them from where they are to where they want to be.

If you are feeling stuck and want to make significant changes in your life then coaching can help you on that journey.  If you simply have a specific goal that you want to achieve, coaching can help you reach that goal.

I don’t have the answers, you do, but I can work with you to find your own solutions. We will recognise where you are now, decide where you want to be and come up with a plan to get you there.  We will plant the seed of personal growth together but you will do the work to make it grow.

I see coaching like a round of golf.  With every stroke of the ball you are moving forward, maybe its tough at times, and you get stuck in the rough, but with every shot, you are always moving forward.  That  is coaching, its forward focussed.  Think of me as your caddy, carrying your clubs, or your toolkit, and I will be walking alongside you all the way, helping you think about the next shot which will take you further to the hole on the green,  the new you.

Coaching is a journey of self discovery, reflection and self awareness.  It will enable you to focus and visualise the life you want and help you discover the qualities you already possess to turn that vision into a reality.   It will focus you and give you clarity of purpose and enable you to move in the right direction to a better version of yourself, that is both true and authentic.  At times we may challenge limiting beliefs that you may have which are holding you back from fulfilling your true potential.  We will work together to find solutions to issues and challenges you may be facing and help you become more self aware and support you on a life of self fulfilment that we all deserve.